Wednesday, December 23, 2009

She's Back!

My best friend is home after 7 1/2 LONG months in San Fransisco... man, I've missed her.

Friday, December 4, 2009

was it worth it?

Wednesday night the Aggies played BYU at the Spectrum. People started lining up in front of the doors Monday at 2 a.m.! By Wednesday at about 4:00p.m. it was said there were 3,000 of us lined up to get seats. My amazing roommate Kij went and stood in line on the HYPER field at 2:45. I was supposed to be there at 5 after my class was over, but Kij text me at 3 and said I'd better hurry and get there. I was in my Adult Development and Aging class (yes, it's as fun as it sounds) and our topic was death and dying. Right before my professor started the lecture she told us that last year when she taught the same lecture a girl started crying because her grandma had died the day before. She felt really bad for the girl so she told us that if anyone needed to get up and leave during the lecture that it was just fine... and that was when I got the text from Kij saying I should leave. Great timing, right? So, I got up and left class, and yes everyone stared at me as I walked out. But, what else was I supposed to do? I HAD to go to the game. :)
I stood outside from 4:30 to 6:15 and it was FREEZING. I can only imagine how cold Kij was...she is such a sweetheart. When we got in the Spectrum we could hardly find any seats together so we all ended up splitting up. In fact most of us ended up sharing seats. Me, David, Kij, Huss, Sara, and Flin all had that pleasure. :)
But now, for the best part... WE WON! 61-71. The first half was a little rough for us, and was quite nerve wracking to say the least, but the second half was great. It all changed when Preston hit back to back 3 pointers and from then on we pretty much dominated. The Spectrum was loud! I loved it. And yes, it was worth it. . .

To show how many of us were there. . .

The roomies: Flin, Rascal, Kij, and I

Rascal and Huss

David and I
And, Kij... she was freezing to death. :(

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Roomies and Roadtrips

This weekend was GREAT. The roomies and I went to SLC to the pie, shopping, picked up our Christmas decorations, and enjoyed the beautiful, amazing, sunshiny weather. It was fantastic. Sade had the best comment of the whole trip...

Frank the Ford Focus was on his way past the refineries in North Salt Lake (ya know the ones that smell like rotten eggs?) Well, Sade sniffed and said "It smells like pretzels!" We all busted out laughing cause how in the world do rotten eggs smell like pretzels? We don't know- but apparently in Sade's world they are one and the same. :)
I don't really feel like writing about all of it, so I'm just going to post a couple pics... enjoy. :)

Kij and I

Rascal in some freakin hot shoes we found in payless. they made her about 4 inches taller and were pink cheetah print... yuck.

Flin and I in the love sac store... our feet were tired. :)

This is me, kij, and hailey after the Aggie's basketball game.
p.s. we beat the Spartans by 30 points!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

San Fransisco

Adorable little houses
goldeN gate bridge

crazy Freeway
one tRee hill
lAte nights
early morNings
people watchIng
Sea lions on the pier
ghirardelli Chocolate factory
the Ocean

For fall break I got to go to San Fransisco and it was absolutely great. I loved the little houses, the colors they were painted, the STEEP narrow streets, the cliffs over looking the ocean, the city, shopping... everything. I have some pictures but my camera died on saturday (of course!) so until Sian or Holly send me pictures I only have them from Friday.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's been a while. . .

I know it's been a while (a long while) since I last updated. So, I'll give you an a brieft synopsis of of what I've been doing.

School started about 1 1/2 months ago. It's been going extremely well. I love most of my classes, and all my professors are great. I've been doing tons of group projects which mean late nights at the lib (mostly cause we start talking about random things and have a hard time getting our work done.) My group for Research Methods had a great experience the other night. We finished section 2 of our paper at 11:30 and had to run to the Family Life building to slide it under our professor's office door. We got to Family Life, the door was unlocked, and we got it turned in. As we were walking back out of the building the janitor was locking the door. . . Now this doesn't seem like that great of an experience, but considering that if the door had been locked one of us would have had to wake up at 4:00 a.m. when the janitors arrived the next morning to turn it in. We were thanking our lucky stars that night...
Not much else has been happening, at least not that I can remember right now.
I'm on the stake activities committee. It's a pretty low key job, which is great. . .That's all.
Social Life:
I don't really have one. ha ha. Pretty much my roommates and I all just hang out with each other and with the girls down stairs (who were the girls next door last year- who we love.) We don't meet new people cause we all get along so well that we don't need anyone else. It's great. :)
I dyed my hair. OK, technically I didn't but my friend Lindsay's roommate did. It's dark brown (again) with kind of a reddish, purplish tint. Sometimes, in the sunlight, more red than brown. My mother doesn't like it. Neither do my brothers. Zack's exact words were "Nicole, your hair is ugly!" When I asked Taigen if he liked it, he looked at me like I was crazy and shook his head 'no,' and Porter was nice enough to inform me that I should dye it back. Anyway, there are people that do like it, for example: my roommates, Kristy, Rich, and the girls downstairs. So, I guess you'll have to decide for yourself when you see it. (sorry, I don't have any pictures.)

And, there's a very brief update for you all.

p.s. I'll be in San Fransisco in exactly one week! YAY! (i love you sian)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tag You're It!

I agree with Shantell- these tags just aren't as fun after I read Gen's first, because she has such a funny sense of humor. It makes my post look pathetic. But here goes. . .

Eight things I did yesterday:
1. Took family pictures. (see previous post)

2. Yelled at Porter for burping repeatedly for fifteen minutes while I was trying to take a nap. He just doesn't understand why I think that's annoying???

3. Yelled at Brooke for bouncing the volleyball on our kitchen floor over. and over. and over. and over. She was also making this lovely noise while I was trying to nap.

4. Updated my blog. (Two days in row- look at me go!)

5. Talked to Sian :)

6. Saw Dave, my old co-worker from the Gateway. I miss that man.

7. Thought about going for a run, but instead. . .

8. Ate brownies and ice cream!

Eight Favorite Shows:

1. Gilmore Girls

2. Friends

3. And that's about all I watch. Besides the news and Jazz games.

Eight favorite restaurants:

1. Olive Garden

2. Firehouse

3. Iggy's

4. Hi Mountain Drug (Gen, you guys have the BEST fries. Ever.)

5. Gateway Grille

6. Pizza Hut

7. Cafe Rio

8. My mom's kitchen

Eight things I look forward to:

1. Seeing my bestie Sian in approximately 42 days

2. My new apartment!

3. Seeing all my Utah State friends again

4. Fall leaves

5. My birthday (Yes, I know that it is not for 8 more months.)

6. Haydo to come home. ( One year and 8 months left. . . Not long at all. ha ha)

7. To watch Brooke's volleyball games

8. Going to Rockville in September

Eight people I tag:

1. Kij

2. Sade

3. Sian

4. Amber

5. Michelle

6. Jess

- I only have 6. :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Family Pictures

Family pictures are torture. Not because I don't love my family, but because it it is virtually impossible for all of us to cooperate at the exact same moment to get one decent picture. Zack and Taigen pull faces. My dad pushes me over. Alisha and Porter fight over who is touching who. Jason pulls Brooke's hair. And my poor mother yells at all of us to hold still and smile. She was so frustrated she even swore at my dad. Which gave all of us a good laugh. (When we got home Zack said "Mom, you taught me some new words tonight.") Love that kid. Anyway, our lovely photographer happened to catch one perfect moment of all of us being our true selves.

I think my dad's face is the best though. :)

After all the fun tonight, we get to do it again on Wednesday. My mom doesn't really like any of them. (I don't know why, I think they turned out great. . . Don't you??)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

California Creeper - Part 2

I was going to finish the amazing story about the California Creeper that was started earlier- but the person who wrote it is now gone for two years to Guatemala. I would finish it myself, but I don't have quite the imagination that he does. Unfortunately. So, let it suffice to say that I'm going to miss Sian Freakin Smith while she is in Cali for fall semester. She was my lunch buddy- and we made the best lunches ever. She was my motivator to work out. She was the one person who I couldn't lie to- she has a sixth sense about when I'm not feeling the greatest. (It's kind of creepy. :) She was my study buddy in the library, where amazingly enough we actually did study. She stayed up late with me, and by that I mean, she made me stay up late with her :) We laughed at the same jokes- even when they weren't funny to anyone else. (Caitlin, you're such a maitlin!) Creeper, remember when I stole your pill pill? And then I gave it back but Sade and Kij stole it again before you realized it? We searched the whole blasted apartment building for that dumb thing. Ha ha. Good times. :) Long story short... She's my bestie.
Creeper I'm going to miss you this fall. If you don't come back in the spring, you know what will happen. It won't be pretty.

Friday, July 24, 2009

California Creeper - Part 1

Once upon a time there was a little next door neighbor guessed it, Sian Freakin' Smith. Now as stories go this one cannot really be classified into a single category. At times you may call it a comedy, sometimes a suspense, but lately it fits under the category of drama. da da da (insert creepy music here) Before the drama unfolds however, a quick background into the past adventure-filled year may shed a little light into the devious mind of the California Creeper. It all started (well for me anyways) on a quiet fall day after school. Well it wasn't quiet for long... little did we know our lives would be changed forever.
We had all heard about the mysterious girl next door, who was said to be crazy (literally certifiable). We all blame that fateful day on Hannah, yep you heard me Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus if you prefer. Because it was her picture on the front of a magazine cover that brought Sian into our apartment that day. Like a rabid mother bear protecting her young she threw herself in front of the danger that had hurt Miley... Rascal. Miley's face was torn in half that day, but it was nothing compared to the damage done to the creeper's heart.
Eventually Miley received plastic surgery in the form of scotch tape, and Sian slowly warmed up to us. Maybe that's an understatement. By the end of the year we couldn't get rid of her (not that we wanted to...most nights that is).
Even though we didn't hang out much fall semester, because of a certain redhead, after Christmas break she had plenty of stories for us about all that had ensued. (Those will not be included in this compilation so don't even ask). But we will however have stories about the swinging spring semester so stay tuned for the next installment of the California Creeper.

We may also have bonus material including stories from Sian's younger days (that's right the wild ones) hahaha

to be continued...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

As I mentioned in my last post, I was going to have a very exciting weekend. Although my weekend was great, I failed to take pictures because I forgot my camera. Friday Katie, Shantell, Kelsey, Chanae, and I went shopping in SLC. We didn't really find too many things but the funny experiences made up for it. Katie not knowing how to open her gas tank. Taking a picture in front of Olive Garden. Chanae and I sitting on the floor of Target waiting for Kelsey and Katie. Shantell trying on pants in the middle of the store. Among many other things.

Saturday Rich, Katie, Brayden, and I went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house. That was quite eventful. Katie and I were in charge of planning it because apparently we never plan anything and Brayden and Rich always have to. Poor kids. :) Anyway, we couldn't decide where to eat (because Katie and I both suck at making decisions) and by the time we found somewhere to eat and ordered our waitress had to put our food in to go boxes because we were going to be late. We raced to the temple and made it in the last group. The temple was amazing! The chandeliers were beautiful! We all wondered what the little stars symbolized that were cut out of the curtains. It didn't seem like the tour took very long, but it was way cool to see it. All in all, it was a great experience.

This weekend I went camping for our Lewis reunion. Camping meaning I went up in the mountains and hung out for a day then came home and slept in my own bed. :) It was so fun to see all my dad's cousins again. Lisa, Brooke, and I went on our traditional walk down the river. It was pretty chilly, but way fun. . .

Saturday I worked. It was great. :)

And, because blogger won't upload my pics, you don't get to see any. Sorry.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My summer thus far hasn't been too exciting. But, nonetheless, I am still loving it. No homework, no classes, no study groups. It's great. :) The majority of my time is spent working or reading; and although I complain about my job, I really do love it. The people I work with are great and the customers always keep things interesting. As much as I love my job, I love reading even more. Obviously. I could sit in the sunshine and read all day and be completely content. I've been reading the likes of John Grisham, Jodi Picoult, and Lisa Scottoline. I occasionally read other author's works, but for the most part these are the authors that get my attention. Some of the better books I have read this summer are:

*Killer Smile
*The Firm
*The Pelican Brief (and I know half the world has read this and the afore mentioned book, but I hadn't read them until recently. If you haven't read them, are interested, and want to read them- do it!)
*Vanishing Acts
*Perfect Match
*The Broker
*Genuine Lies
*Second Glance
*The Rainmaker
*Courting Trouble
*The Seventh Son
*Dead Ringer

I've been trying to find My Sister's Keeper but every time I go to check it out, someone already has it. I've heard it's better than the movie, but then again, aren't all books better than the movie? The movie was pretty good by the way- and I just have to add that Flin cried harder than me when we went to see it. (Hay, Huss, Rascal, Sian, Kij, Sade, Linds, you can all shut your jaws now.) :) In fact that's the most I've seen Flin cry since I met her- which was 7 years ago. . . ANYWAY, that will be the next book on the list, and I'll let you know what I think of it...
For those of you who were completely bored to death by this (and therefore the recent activities of my summer) I do have a great weekend planned so don't even worry. I'll be sure to blog about it so you all don't think I've gone senile. . . Ta ta for now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"It's a flag blowin' in the summer wind over some fallen hero's grave"

I went up to the cemetery yesterday to visit my grandpa's grave and to see the flowers and flags for Memorial Day. The wind was blowing pretty hard and the flags looked so awesome! I thought of these words from the Rodney Atkins song It's America, "It's a flag blowin' in the summer wind over some fallen hero's grave."

The pictures don't do it justice, it was so much cooler than it looks here.

The headstone for my grandpa's grave finally came a couple weeks ago. I think it turned out very well...

The front. . .

The back. . .

In person it looks so much better because you can see all the intricate details. If you look in the kitchen window in the house you can make out a shape. The people who put the stone in said that it was grandpa eating breakfast. The details on both the front and back are amazing.

I'm grateful for those who serve our country so I can have the freedoms and opportunities that I do. In America . . .

It's a high school prom

It's a Springsteen song

It's a ride in a Chevrolet

It's a man on the moon

And fireflies in June

Kids sellin' lemonade

It's cities and farms

And open arms

One nation under God

It's America

Cause it's a kid with a chance

It's a rock n roll band

It's a farmer cuttin' hay

It's America

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Once upon a time there was a girl named Nicole. She had the best cousin in the entire world, and his name was Hayden. When they were little they played night games, built hay forts, went to kindergarten together, and hung out all the time. As they grew up they were still best friends but instead of hay forts, night games, and kindergarten, they went to high school football games, movies, plays (remember Little Women?!?) and to breakfast together. . .

Hayden turned 19 in February and he decided to go on a mission. He leaves for the MTC tomorrow- my birthday-and from there he will go to Argentina. I'm going to miss him like crazy. (Even though he teases me mercilessly!) Sunday was his farewell and tons of people came to listen to him speak and he did a great job. Sunday I had to tell him goodbye because I have finals this week and had to come back up to Logan. I gave him a poem I had written for him and while he was reading it I started to cry. It is so weird to think that I won't see him for two years! I'm so proud of him for wanting to serve the Lord but that still doesn't make it any easier. I gave him a big hug before I left for Logan and we both just cried and cried. Since we were crying my mom started crying and we all had one big cry fest. I cried all the way to Brigham City and then started again when I drove into Logan. The result of my crying was a headache that is still lingering today. I also had swollen eyes Monday morning. Yeah...not pretty.

This week I am also moving back to Kamas after finals, which means I have to say goodbye to all the great people up here (luckily it's just for four months and not two years.) I'm sure the tears will start flowing again. Sian has already started crying, so I better watch out.

The moral of these two stories is that I HATE change. A lot of things can happen in two years. I'll be done with school (unless I decide to get my Masters) and who knows where I'll be living. My mom informs me that I could even be married -but I think that is highly unlikely. Things just won't be the same when he comes back. And I hate that thought. We won't be little kids with no worries ever again...It is a sad day indeed.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I have the best best friend in the entire world. her name is Sian N. Smith and she is just the mother-bleepin greatest person I have ever met in my life. We could all learn so much from her. I am going to be very sad in three weeks when I have to say bye to her for the summer. I shouldn't have to say bye to my best friend but I guess it's what has to be done. But I guess it'll just make things so much better when we are finally reunited in August. . .
Written by: Sian N. Smith real post (before Sian hijacked my blog) was going to be . . .

My countdowns for the rest of the school year

19 days till I am no longer a resident of Pineview Apts.
18 days till Flin is no longer my roommate :(
16 days till my birthday! :) and till Hayden leaves :(
9 school days left
5 more days of waking up at 7:30 a.m.
4 more days of stats class
4 finals
2 more papers to write
2 more weekends till summer
1 more chance to make lasting memories (Sian N. Smith's brilliant mind came up with that one.)
0 days left of snow...hopefully

P.S. I love Kij

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Grandma and the Farm

I just love my grandma. She is pretty much the greatest lady that has ever walked this earth. I got to spend Saturday and Sunday watching conference with her. My family is gone to Rockville so she took me under her wing. :) She made me homemade chili- which is my absolute favorite, and called to check on me to make sure I wasn't freezing to death. Which I actually was because I can't build a fire to save my life. (My dad would have been very disappointed. He's tried and tired to teach me, but I failed miserably.)
On Friday the rest of the cows that my grandparents had were sold. Grandma came home from the temple and she was so sad. My heart broke when she told me about coming home and seeing they were all gone. She went to take pictures of the barnyard and she was crying. It was heartbreaking to see what my grandparents had worked for all their lives to be gone so fast. It will be so weird to go home and not see the baby calves out our back window, go to the barn and get milk, hear the milkers going in the morning, and seeing the cows in the field in the summer. My little brothers and cousins won't have the experience of building hayforts in the barn, eating picnics in the hay, playing in the sawdust, seeing new baby calves, moving cows down to the field, and best of all getting fresh milk from the barn. Though the farm will no longer be the farm, I'm so grateful that I have the memories that I do. . .

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunshine, Sisters, and Aggies

This weekend was so fun! Brooke and Chanae came up to Logan to visit. We went to The Hub watched the Aggies play Marquette. We lost by ONE! One point. It was so sad! Sian and I were screaming the whole time and our voices hurt by the end. Jared Quayle and Tai Wesley both fouled out. That alone almost brought us to tears, let alone the actual loss. We are on the countdown until November when the Aggies start playing again. The only bummer will be that Gary Wilkinson will be gone. :( But the Aggies will still be great!

After the game we (Sian, Brooke, Chanae, Candace, Jared, Dusty, Matt, Ashley, Riss, Brittany, Hayley, Ryan, and I) went and played football and soccer on the HPER field. It was fantabulous. The sunshine was amazing! It felt so good compared to the usual cold. I actually got a little sunburned and it was great. Saturday we also sat outside for a while and got some more sun- which was good cause today it rained! Rain is but better than snow though, so I'm not complaining.
Brooke is one of the most hysterical people I have ever met. We were watching "Definitely, Maybe" last night and there is a part where they start singing "Happy Birthday." She wasn't really paying attention cause she was sending a text. She looked up and started to pay attention to the movie when they started singing it, so what does she do? She just joined right in on the song until she realized that she was the only one singing and it was the movie. I was the only one who heard her, so we both just started laughing. It was hysterical. Great times. Here is one more story of her great sense of humor... I sent her home with a book that I had checked out from the Kamas library for a book report. She texted me tonight and this is how our conversation went...

Brooke: "When is your book due?"

Me: " I don't know for sure, but I think Tuesday."

Brooke: "oh ok, I should have took it back by then. It's a great book." (yes, great english Brooke!)

Me: " Are you serious? I thought is was stupid!"

Brooke: "NO! Do you really think I would ATTEMPT to read it?"

Me: "I didn't think so, but if you did read it I was going to be impressed."

Anyway, that was the just of our conversation. It probably isn't even funny to anyone but me, but I thought it was hilarious. The fact that I actually thought for a second that she was actually reading it was hysterical in and of itself. She hates to read. I love it. And that's just the start of our differences. As Sian likes to point out Brooke is the cool one- not me. :) She is outgoing, I'm not. She is crazy (in a good way), I'm not. She doesn't use correct english, I do. Ha ha, just kidding Brooke. Anyway, this weekend was great because of the amazing sunshine, Aggies, and of course my sister. Love ya sis.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring Break!

WARNING: This will be a long post. :)

My Spring Break started on Monday the 9th and goes till the Friday the 13th. I decided that I was sick of school and I actually came home on the night of Thursday the 5th. I am just going to recap my last week for you. :)

Thursday March 5th:
I walked through my front door at about 10:00 at night. Hayden, Paige, Brooke, Jason, and my Mom and Dad were the only ones still awake. They were all sitting in the living room and when I came in they all looked at me like I was an alien. (Apparently they weren't expecting me.) I stayed up and talked with them till who knows when. 
Friday March 6th:
This day is pretty much a blur. I woke up at 11 and I stayed in my sweats all day. I played "Blink" with Taigen about 50 millions times, Brooke and I went running (in the snow!), and . . . I don't remember what else.

Saturday March 7th:
My Dad's 44th birthday! (He's practically ancient!) :) My mom, dad, and Jason went to Alisha's basketball game in SLC. I woke up around 10:30 and Haydo came up. We made some chocolate chip cookie dough...and then just hung out for a while. I took a nap (I decided the reason I slept so much was because all the late nights in Logan have finally caught up to me.) I went with Shantell to drop her dad off at the airport and then drove back. It was great fun. :) After Richie and Brayden were done playing old man bball at the church I went and hung out with them. I could only hang for like an hour and a half, but it was good to see them. They haven't changed a bit.  :)

Sunday March 8th:
I woke up (well actually Jason woke me up) at 10:35. I had slept through my home ward's church, so I decided to go to the singles ward-which starts at 11. In Woodland. Hayden came and picked up Jason and I at about 10:50. Yes, I got ready that fast. We came home from church ate lunch, and just hung out with the fam. I went to see my grandma for a bit and I went up to Chanae's house with Brooke and Megan. Chanae is such a funny girl. Love her. We came home from Nala's and Hayden and Paige came up. We stayed up till three a.m. discussing the torterous things my parents did to us when we were little. For example: making us sweep and mop our kitchen floor when we were in 1st (yes 1st) grade!, made us haul wood, weed the garden, and when we were being REALLY mean to each other we had to pick a 5 gallon bucket full of rocks. To this day I HATE, and I mean HATE, weeding, hauling wood, and especially picking rocks. (Have you ever picked rocks and had dirt get under your fingernails? Yeah, it's not the most pleasant feeling.) My parents found all of this quite hilarious and just laughed as we told them how picked on we used to be. :)

Monday March 9th:
I woke up around 10:00 again. (man I love no school!) and went on a short run. It was FREEZING cold outside! After my run I hung out with Taigen. My mom made pies- apple, cherry, walnut, and pecan. I made the design on the top of the cherry pie. It was pretty sweet. :) I then took Taigen to the library. I had to get a book that I had to read for a book report due next week. He wanted to get a movie. I ended up getting the book "Can You Keep a Secret" cause my other book wasn't there. My Great Uncle Marv and my Great Aunt Pat invited our family over for dinner and FHE. We went over and had the most delicious food. We had roast, cheesy potatoes, rolls, salad, and veggies. For dessert we had pie and ice cream and Aunt Pat made her amazing Texas Sheet Cake. My absolute favorite. No one can make it as delicious as her! 

Tuesday March 10th:
I read "Can You Keep a Secret" and found it to be quite hilarious. (Thanks Gen!) Although, if any of you are planning on reading it- ask me first. I'll let you know if you would like it or not. :) I also went back to the library and got my other book for my book report. I read that one as well- now I actually have to write the assignment- bummer. Alisha had another basketball game in PC so I took Zackery to his bball game. It was so fun to watch. Little kids are hysterical playing basketball. He made a basket and his team won, so all in all it was a great success! I also got  a phone call from Sian saying that she would be coming to Kamas that night instead of Wednesday morning. Of course she actually didn't end up getting here until about 10:00-but hey- at least she showed up.  :) The first thing that she said when she got out of the car was "Nicole, when you said you lived in the middle of nowhere, I thought you were kidding. Now I know you weren't!" 

Wednesday March 11:
I woke up from the worst sleep of my entire life! Thanks Sian and Brooke! :) Emily, Sian, Brooke, Hayden, Candace, and I went to the Gateway for breakfast. Then Sian and I went to Em's and hung out for a bit. I actually ended up falling asleep on Emily's couch. That thing was com-fort-a-ble! While Em went to get her bangs cut Sian and I came back to my house and that is when disaster struck. . . Zack (bless his little soul) was home from school. He was showing Sian all the crazy stuff he could do, basically being a show off. He went to our fridge and grabbed a brown paper bag and handed it to Sian (it's not what you're thinking) Sian felt the bag and then looks inside. . . and what is in the bag you ask? Two, of the most disgusting, smoked, nasty smelling, DEAD FISH

Then, Sian had this genius idea to tell Zack to go hide one in my room downstairs. I told him "NO!" and gave him what I thought was a mean enough glare that he wouldn't do it. But after some more egging on from Sian, he ran downstairs (while Sian blocked the door from me) and proceeded to hide it in my room. I was mad. No, I was upset. Ok, even that is an understatement, I was livid! Everyone else thought it was hysterically funny. I tried to convince him for 5 minutes to go back down and get the fish. When he finally did, he came back up without it and said "I can't find it." Now, I 
am told that I am a patient person, and I try to be, but when he said that he couldn't find the dead fish that was in my room, I about had a come apart. It made it worse when he told me that he had put it in my blue bag. Now, the blue bag is the bag that contains my CLEAN laundry. Not the dirty laundry that I need to wash, but the clean laundry, nicely folded and ready to be put away when I went back to Logan. Well, as you have guessed it is now no longer clean. Because Zack couldn't find the fish, Brooke went downstairs and found it. It was at the bottom of the bag. She brought the disgusting, stinking, dead fish up and put it in the garbage- where it rightfully belonged in the first place.
After that disaster, Sian and I went to Emily's and ate dinner and watched the Jazz game. Then we packed our bags and drove to Bountiful to Sian's house. We met her mom N'Lice and her sister Jessica. Her mom is hysterical and it is so funny to watch those two interact with each other. . . 

Thursday March 12th:
Happy Birthday to ALISHA! Today she turned 13! I was at Sian's all day in Bountiful, so I didn't even get to see her, but I did talk to her on the phone and wished her a happy birthday. Sian made pancakes this morning for breakfast, then we all got ready and walked up the hill to Lindsay's house. We hung out with Linds for awhile- then 
we she had to go run her little siblings around we went to Sian's friend Becca's house. We watched the Utah State vs. Fresno State game.
 It was pretty sweet! Williams had an a-maz-ing game! It was way fun to watch. After the game we went back to Sian's and hung out, ate dinner, talked with her mom, discussed our Cali trip, and watched the final seconds of the Utah vs. TCU game. Pretty sweet. Then Em, Brooke, and I drove home. Brooke and I arrived home to two little chicks. Zack got them from his first grade class. They are so stinkin' cute! They are actually cheeping is I speak. (well type actually.) And I just found out that their names and Chip and Dip. But, according to Zack we have to have a "family meeting" to discuss what everyone thinks we should name them. He is such a funny kid.  Love him. And yes, I have forgiven him for the dead fish incident. 

Anyway, that's my spring break so far. I'm sure I've left out important parts. But my brain is on break too, and I can't remember anymore details at the moment. So, for those of you who have been telling me to blog- here you go! :) 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This Weekend. . .

This weekend my amazingly awesome sister Brooke and my equally amazing cousin Shantell came to Logan to see me! It was really fun. Friday night we went to dinner at Chili's with Em, Jared, Lindsay, Dusty and Sian. I saw my dad's cousin's daughter there- who I haven't seen since I was like 12 years old! We used to go to my grandpa and grandma's over Thanksgiving with each other, then she just disappeared. But don't worry, I found her at Chili's on Friday. :) I walked in and she was like "Nicole?!" It was fun to see her. . . anyway, after Chili's we went to Walmart and got stuff to make F'zookies.

After our F'zookies Sian and Huss left us and went to a party. (We had enough sense not to go-apparently it was pretty crazy.) Lindsay, Dusty, Me, Brooke, Jared, Caitlin played catch phrase. By this time it was about one in the morning and we were all a little delirious. It turned into a big laughing fest. Cause that's what I do when I am tired- I laugh, and I sometimes can't control myself and I just keep laughing. . . Anyway, Sian and Huss came back from her party and Sian, Shantell, Brooke, and I stayed up till 4 a.m. before we finally crashed.

Saturday we went to Walmart again, I don't exactly remember why we went there- but nevertheless we did. Then we went to all a dollar-where we found many great prizes. :) We got some sweet puzzles, which we proceeded to do when we got home. No worries, we only spent about 7 hours of our day on the three of them. One was of a red barn in the winter time with lots of trees covered in snow. One was a little waterfall with a barn and a fence. And, last but not least we did a High School Musical one because we had a rockin' High School Musical Party!!!! We started with watching the first High School Musical, then we watched parts of the second one (apparently we were only allowed to see the best parts.) Then we made pasta, garlic bread, and salad and ate while we watched the third one. Instead of being quiet and watching the movie, everyone felt the need to comment and make fun of the acting. It was fine by me cause I thought it was pretty . . . cheesy. It was way funny listening to all of their comments. . . Sian, Brooke, Shantell and I stayed up again till 4 a.m. Sian and I were so tired that we fell asleep mid conversation. When Sian woke up a while later she was kind enough to get Brooke a blanket so she wouldn't freeze- you owe her one Brooke. :)

We woke up this morning and just hung out, went to Sian's apartment to see her and Riss and then my lovely sister and cousin left around 1:20 when we left for church. . . I am happy to report that this weekend I moved up on the 'KG' list. I am now at #5 instead of #10. Even though Sian just barely met Brooke and Shantell this weekend, they are still ahead of me. :(

Shantell and I (Don't mind the bangs, they were being a little special yesterday.) :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Sade!

Today is Sade's 19th birthday! She is the last of the birthday buddies in February, which is good because all of our brains are on overload trying to think of fun things to do. Here are the 19 things that make Sade the best!
1. Her dance moves. :)
2. Her love for bread. . . It's her main source of nutrition.
3. How she takes school way too seriously. . . Sade, you really need to stop studying all the time!
4. Her garlic zucchini.
5. Her amazingly sexy haircut!
6. Her style.
7. The fact that no matter what she wears she always looks freaking hot.
8. Her love for crepes.
9. Her countdown till Brandon comes home. (which she informs us everyday of how much longer she has.) :)
10. Her countdown till the end of this semester.
11. All of her other countdowns. . . there are too many to name individually.
12. Her itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny. . . FEET! (seriously, she can fit into little kids shoes. Once she even bought Ironman shoes that would have fit a 6 year old boy. They were pretty cool though.)
13. Her "special" book. (Sade, you know what I'm talking about!)
14. The scar on her face, and the braces on her teeth. . . ha ha. I love you Sade.
15. Her inappropriate comments.
16. Her flower arranging skills.
17. Her fantabulous painting skills.
18. The fact that she only wears jeans three times a month. :)
19. Her funny comments about Seventy. . .
Thanks for always making me laugh. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sade! I love you. :)

Sian and Riss's birthday poems!

Emily, Sade, and I decided that we wanted to write Sian and Riss birthday poems. We gave them to them when we celebrated theirs birthday's last Friday. . . Here they are- they probably won't be very funny to those who don't know the inside jokes, but enjoy anyway.

Guess what? One day we met this girl when she stormed into our place,
You held up Seventeen magazine and said, "who the 'h' ripped Miley's face?"
There was no doubt we were slightly disturbed and a little scared,
We nicknamed you Sheniqua; whether we were friends or not none of us cared.
You used to be too cool to hang out with us because of some dumb red-head,
But now we can't seem to keep you out of our apartment and out of Nicole's bed.
Nicknames were created; we are now known as Seventy, Kij, Flin, Leona, Rascal, and Ace,
I guess it's better than the Huss, Broad, and Quazie that reside at your place.
Your infamous "YEAH!" and "Beyonce" voice can be heard from miles away,
Although your waltzing and pole dancing skills are a little risque.
You put hot sauce on everything and you love red meat,
But you can't handle Nicole's long fingernails and "disgusting" feet.
Remember the Titans is your all time favorite show,
Although in pretty much every movie the waterworks start to flow.
One time we woke up to you sleeping in our apartment because you stole a key,
You and Riss tried to pawn the blame off on Richard and Seventy.
One night you discovered that Emily had never been kissed,
So you pulled out the "manulator" and made a qualifications list.
When we met Jared and Dusty I'm sure they thought we were all a little whacked,
But soon you and Dusty will be married with 12 1/2 kids. . . According to MASH it's a fact.
We were meant to be neighbors and best friends it's clear,
We'll have a great time living by each other next year.
So tonight let's get wasted, you bring the beer,
We hope you have a fantastic birthday year!
I do not have disgusting feet. I promise. Sian just doesn't like feet, so she thinks that everyone's are disgusting. Also, we do not- nor did we get wasted- it's just a joke. :)

Hey Huss! We just wanted to wish you well on your birthday,
We're so glad you're finally nineteen. . . yay!
Although your Lindsey Lohan skills are the bomb,
Your Usher impersonation could be posted and seen at
The next best thing is how you have so much class,
This is evident when you run into a certain red-headed A#$!
You love to tuck in your birthday buddy and tell her a story,
But you make sure they're never too scary or gory.
You don't even mind when we stalk you on dates,
Because we all know that Sian is your true soul mate.
The second love of your life resides in the White House and his name is Obama,
He's pretty awesome but isn't as LBA as your momma!
When we all get together for Sunday dinner,
We say two prayers but your Catholic/Methodist prayer is the winner.
One Sunday night we had some great plans,
But after Scott Fescher was introduced to 'Melody' he wasn't our No. 1 fan.
Your cooking and running skills are simply the best,
And Dr. Evans makes you stick to your love goal, even if you think she is a pest.
So when you land 'Mr. Blue Eyes,' the all-time perfect man,
When he wants to make out with you, you can finally say, "Yes we can!"
It's your last year as a teenager, so make it great,
We're so happy to be living by you next year, we know it's fate!
The Girls of Apartment 28
Overall, Em, Sade, and I were pretty darn proud of ourselves. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

No hair pics yet. . .

I have tried about 7 times to upload the pictures of my hair cut, and everytime something happens so it won't work. It is driving me crazy! Hopefully tomorrow when I have more patience, the internet will work faster and it won't keep freezing so I can upload the pics.
Sade's hair is absolutely adorable! When I decide to cut my hair short, I will be cutting it in an A-line like hers. . . SO adorable! Anyway, until my computer decides to upload pictures, you'll just have to imagine it looking kind of like Carrie Underwood's- but longer. Layers but more piecey (is that a word?) and brown instead of blonde. So pretty much the only way it looks like hers is that I have the same style of bangs. :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hair Cut

So...Sade and I decided that we wanted to get our hair cut. My hair has been driving me crazy. I only do two things with it. Straighten it or put it in a pony tail. Boring! So, I was looking on the internet for pictures of how I want to cut it, and this is what I found:

Granted, I do not look a thing like Carrie Underwood- she is freaking gorgeous, and her hair is amazing, but I can always hope right? I don't know if I am going to cut it quite as short as hers is. I'm thinking I'll only cut off between 4-6 inches. We are going to a salon here in Logan so I don't know the girl who is going to be cutting my hair. Caitlin went to her a couple weeks ago and said she did a really good job. I'm a tad bit nervous that this could turn out disastrous. I'm not going to lie, I probably will cry if she cuts off too much. I've been growing it out forever! I've not cut it (only trims) since my freshman year of high school. It now reaches my waist . . . definitely time for a change. I'm thinking that adding lots of layers will make it easier to curl and style. Although since I do not have the patience, I'm most likely just going to be doing it straight and in a pony tail for the rest of my life. . . oh well.

p.s. there will be before and after pictures posted sometime tomorrow or next week! Everyone say a prayer it will turn out well. :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


February is birthday month for apartments 27 and 28 (if you couldn't tell that already.) Today is Sian's 20th birthday. She was so excited for her birthday that while I was asleep at approximately 12:30 this morning she came into our room and jumped on my bed. She wanted me to wake up and tell her happy birthday! Instead of the kind words she was expecting I told her to "leave now!" Don't worry I told her happy birthday later when she wasn't rudely distrupting my sleep. :) Here are the 20 things that make Sian awesome. :)

1. Her AMAZING singing voice.

2. Her sweet dancing skills.

3. Her awkward smile. :)

4. How she rubs her face when she is nervous or embarassed.

5. The fact that she is my lunch buddy.

6. She has her creeper skills down to an art.

7. The fact that she thinks February is the best month. Even though I've given her significant proof that it is not, she refuses to change her mind. (April the best in case you're wondering.)

8. Her good looks. ;)

9. How she NEVER seems to sleep.

10. She is extremely thoughtful.

11. How she comes off as being so tough, but she really is just a teddy bear. :)

12. How she doesn't like sugar. (I wish I could be just like her.)

13. Her 'KG' list, even though I am currently #10.

14. Her love for Miley Cyrus, even though we think she needs dentures.

15. She stays up late talking to me.

16. When she makes me tell her what is bothering me even when I don't want to.

17. She makes us all laugh hysterically.

18. She is always happy, in fact I've only seen her sad one time this whole year.

19. She studies in the library with me, and surprisingly doesn't talk!

20. She is a slut. She isn't any ole' slut, but the ONE AND ONLY SLUT! :)

I love you Sian. (and for those who don't know, I didn't give her the name of slut, she came up with it herself.) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Happy Birthday Riss!

Yesterday was Riss's 19th birthday! Yahoo! We didn't get to celebrate with her because we were all home for President's Day, but we will definitely be making up for it this weekend. :) The 19 things that make Riss great. . .

1. She's a runner. . . 'nuff said. :)

2. She does an awesome imitation of Gretchen from Mean Girls.

3. She makes delicious scalloped potatoes

4. She puts up with us in apt. 28

5. She (tries) to keep Sian out of trouble.

6. She doesn't mind us stalking her on her dates. In fact I'm pretty sure she found it quite hilarious. :)

7. She makes us all laugh.

8. Her dancing

9. Her Usher impersonations.

10. She makes the BEST turkey sandwiches.

11. Her love for Obama. :)

12. She likes to have fun!

13. She tells amazing bedtime stories

14. She is alyways happy. Always.

16. She is kind to everyone!

17. She makes delicious waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.

18. She is a February birthday buddy. (That was for you too Sian, Sade, and Emily.)

19. She is a huss. Not just any ole' huss but THE ONE AND ONLY HUSS! ;)

I love you Riss and hope you had a fantastic day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


So, Emily's surprise birthday present was going to the Jazz vs. Lakers game. Caitlin's dad got us (Kij, Me, Em, Caitlin, Sian and Hayden) tickets somehow and also VIP passes to go eat dinner downstairs before the game and also during half time. We left Logan around 4:45 and shortly after Sian, Kij, and I fell asleep.

We met Haydo down there and went to go eat downstairs before the game. There was such good food there! We had roast, potatoes, corn, carrots, pasta salad, green salad, rolls, watermelon, grapes, carrot cake, and chocolate cake. It was all delicous!My favorite cuz and I at dinner!Sian's pretty face eating her food. (The catering guy really appreciated the look on her face as well!) ;)

After dinner we ran up to our seats to watch the game. Sian sat on one side of me and Haydo was two seats away. They are both Lakers fans so we had a lot of fun harassing one another. The guy behind us told Sian and I that we were more entertaining to watch than the game! There were two best moments of the game. . . Okay, maybe three or four. The first was when Kobe got a technical. The second was Okur hitting the freakin' awesome three with about a minute left. Third, was when the Lakers missed their two three point attempts. And, the fourth was the final score! My other favorite part was the fact that Kobe missed some key shots in the fourth quarter as did Fisher. As for the Jazz, Williams had 31 points and 11 assists, and Okur had 22 points, including the amazing three pointer. The looks on the Hayden and Sian's faces were pricless as Kobe and Fisher both missed three pointers late in the fourth quarter and they realized the Jazz were going to win. I loved it! :)

Happy faces!


There were tons of Laker's fans around us (besides Sian and Hayden) and it was hysterical! One guy started yelling at the Jazz fans saying the "f -word" and something about a snowball. We aren't exaclty sure what it was because he was too drunk to be making sense. As we were walking down the stairs to go outside Sian was saying how the Jazz "still weren't going to make the playoffs and blah blah blah." A Jazz fan heard her and said how she didn't know what she was talking about and they were going to make it kept going on and on. Sian started laughing at him, which made him even more mad. I thought for sure she was going to get in a fight with someone.

Kij and I's happy faces and Sians sad face.

After the game we went to Caitlin's house where her mom had birthday cake for Emily, so we ate that and visited for a while. Our car ride home consisted of us singing Taylor Swift at the top of our lungs and rolling down the windows cause Caitlin was trying to cook us all. (In Kij's words, "it feels like we are in hell.") All in all it was a very eventful day and we had a ton of fun!

Also, Hayden got his mission call! He is leaving on my birthday, April 29th, and is going to the Resistencia, Argentina Mission. I am so proud of him for going on a mission and will miss him terribly. As I was talking to him today he reminded me that he would be home before Brooke and Paige graduate from high school- and if I look at it that way, two years doesn't seem too long. It's weird to think that I will be 21 when he gets home though. Crazy! I'm glad he got to go to the Jazz game with us cause I won't be able to spend too much time with him before he leaves. :( I love ya cuz!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday to EMILY! (tomorrow)

Tomorrow is Emily's 19th birthday! Emily is pretty much one of the nicest people that has ever walked this earth. She would do anything for anyone. I appreciate how she puts up with my messiness. When you walk in our room there's her side which includes her bed being perfectly made EVERY morning, and no clothes on the ground. Then, there is my side, the bed is NEVER made (and if it is made everyone asks me what is wrong!) there all clothes all over the floor by the bottom of my bed. She tolerates my messes better than anyone. She is the glue that holds our apartment together. She is the caring one, has the most patience, and cleans all the time. . . And we all love her for it, and appreciate it tons!
Tonight Em, Kij, Candace, Sarah, Sara, Laurel, Caitlin, and I went to Iggy's for dinner. It was my first time going there and it was really good! Emily and I are going to go again when there is a Jazz game on and we can watch it on the T.V.'s there. I can't wait.

Em, Me, Kij, Rascal ;)

Sarah, Me, Candace

Tomorrow is going to be the BIG SURPRISE for her. (I can't say what it is yet, cause there is a chance she might read this tonight) But there will be pictures to show what the surprise is sometime later this week. . . Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EM!

Em and I